Basics of the Silk Worm Organism Functions and Growth of the Worm Body

M. B. Soliyeva , G. L. Mirzaxmedova


As in any living organism, the processes of metabolism, digestion, respiration, blood circulation, nervous system, internal secretion, muscles, excretion, production of silk, excitability and shedding play an important role in the silkworm organism. When the metabolism stops, the life of the organism also ends, which causes the breakdown of proteins. As a result of metabolism, substances in the body are always broken down (dissimilation), and new substances are formed instead of them (assimilation). Substances formed as a result of dissimilation are removed from the body in various ways. Metabolism takes place through the following systems of the body: digestion, respiration, blood and lymph circulation, urinary organs and endocrine glands.

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M. B. Soliyeva
G. L. Mirzaxmedova
Soliyeva , M. B., & Mirzaxmedova , G. L. (2024). Basics of the Silk Worm Organism Functions and Growth of the Worm Body. Web of Semantics : Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, 2(2), 31–36. Retrieved from
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