Clinical and Laboratory Dynamics of the Wound Process and Results of Treatment of Patients with Purulent Diseases of the Fingers

Latipov Orif Zaripovich


Modern technologies in medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases show positive changes in achieving the success of therapy with such methods. Many studies have led to the conclusions made by their authors that the main pathogens of purulent infection (including вобластиin the areas of the hand and fingers) are: Staphylococcus, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus, etc.Most often Staphylococcus. Microbial contamination is caused by micro-injuries to the skin of the hand: wire, drill chips, metal shavings, etc., abrasions, calluses, skin cracks, etc. Exposure to purulent diseases of the hand (more than 15% of those who turned to surgeons) to such diseases as fingers and the hand itself, due to professional characteristics, puts this pathology in the first place and significantly reduces the quality and return of workers in "dangerous" professions.

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Latipov Orif Zaripovich
Zaripovich , L. O. (2024). Clinical and Laboratory Dynamics of the Wound Process and Results of Treatment of Patients with Purulent Diseases of the Fingers. Web of Semantics : Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, 2(2), 37–43. Retrieved from
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