The Effect of Depression on the Social Life of a Person and the Pedagogical and Psychological Features of its Prevention
Social integration in the society, increase in the level of urbanization, socio-economic ecological and technological development lead to the manifestation of emotionally depressed situations in the human psyche. Depression (in medicine) is sadness in the spirit of self-doubt, depressed mood, hopelessness, imagination falling into a "pattern", decrease of desire, limitation of actions. It is observed in many mental diseases. Depression can be caused by chronic overexertion, emotional distress (exhaustive depression), sadness (reactive depression). Symptoms of depression are manifested in different ways. Some types have difficulty thinking, answering questions, and sometimes even moving. The patient looks sad, at the same time loses appetite, loses weight, heart rate and blood pressure changes, headache, constipation, dry skin or sweating; women do not menstruate; sleep is disturbed; work capacity decreases. In some types of depression, the patient blames himself for lack of will, thinks that he is suffering from an illness, that he is an unnecessary person for his family, a sinner, etc. Depression is accompanied by metabolic disorders and endocrine disorders. A depressed person may try to kill himself, so it is important to keep an eye on the patient. Treatment measures are prescribed depending on the symptoms of the disease. In extreme cases, some try to distract themselves with vices such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and sleeping too much. Adolescents who listen to too much music can suffer from depression. A person may overeat during depression. Major depression (clinical depression) has severe or severe symptoms that last more than two weeks.