Distinctive Features of Long-Term Use of Glucocorticoids

Muxsinova Shaxlo Mulximovna


 Glucocorticoids (GK), which have anti-inflammatory, immune regulatory and anti-allergic properties, are an important and sometimes vital component of therapy for the treatment of bronchial-pulmonary system, connective tissue, skin, autoimmune and certain types of cancer. Despite the effectiveness of treatment with these drugs, observations in patients with GK therapy show that the use of GK, especially in large doses or over a long period of time, is in most cases at risk of serious side effects. Taking GK can lead to the development of carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular systems and other disorders. In rheumatology, it is impossible to treat systemic diseases of the connective tissue without GK. In some patients, these drugs have to be used for months or even years, depending on the stage of the disease in the patient. Therefore, the effect of GK on various systems of the body, as well as clinical recommendations for the management of patients treated with these drugs, is important for the therapist to help doctors identify the side effects that occur during therapy in a timely manner and prescribe appropriate therapy.

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Muxsinova Shaxlo Mulximovna
Muxsinova Shaxlo Mulximovna. (2024). Distinctive Features of Long-Term Use of Glucocorticoids. Web of Semantics : Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, 2(7), 141–144. Retrieved from http://web.semanticjournals.org/index.php/wos/article/view/572
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