Moral Value in the Folk Story "Ratu Lohoraung" in Tagulandang District, Sitaro District (Siau-Tagulandang-Biaro) and its Implications for Literature Learning in Schools
Morals refer to the application of virtue in the form of action. Although the term "morals" can refer to both good and bad morals. However, in the Dan Literature application, individuals are considered to have moral character when they apply good values in their behavior. One of the crucial principles in human life is moral principles. The term “morals” comes from the Latin words “mos, moris” which refer to habits, customs, manners, manners, and manners. This can also be translated as "customs" which include habits, behavior, temperament, character, ethics and way of life (Bagus, 2000: 672). Morals are a principle that is applied to individuals in social interactions with other people to build mutual respect.
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Tambirang , Y. F., Meruntu , O., & Polii , I. J. (2024). Moral Value in the Folk Story "Ratu Lohoraung" in Tagulandang District, Sitaro District (Siau-Tagulandang-Biaro) and its Implications for Literature Learning in Schools. Web of Semantics : Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, 2(7), 145–150. Retrieved from
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