Prevention and Treatment of Early Anemia in Premature Infants

Rustamova Khabiba Khasanovna , Qilichev Asadbek Jasurovich


The main cause of iron deficiency anemia, according to the World Health Organization, is considered to be an unbalanced diet. Less often, the condition may occur with bleeding, congenital metabolic disorders and worm infestations. The main measure of pathology prevention is to provide the child with a proper balanced diet. To do this, parents should make sure that the children's diet contains a sufficient amount of foods with a high iron content.

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Rustamova Khabiba Khasanovna
Qilichev Asadbek Jasurovich
Khasanovna , R. K., & Jasurovich , Q. A. (2024). Prevention and Treatment of Early Anemia in Premature Infants. Web of Semantics : Journal of Interdisciplinary Science, 2(8), 4–7. Retrieved from
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